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Graphics Subsystems



The VGS-882 is a high-performance VMEBus graphics X-Server from Vigra.In addition to freeing up the host CPU by running X Window System on theboard, the VGS-882 provides the user with flexible display options withits ability to drive both analog and Active Matrix LCD displays.Features:A complete X11R5 server is available for the VGS-882 as well asindividual support packages for a number of hosts. The X server runscompletely on the VGS-882 and communicates over the VMEBus via a smallinterrupt-driven daemon on the host. By partitioning the software thisway, the host burden is extremely small, allowing more of the hostcapability to be devoted to application tasks and X clients.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: VGS-882 Host Support Package
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3,2.4

10052 Mesa Ridge Ct
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (619) 597-7080
        (800) 66- Vigra
Fax: (619) 597-7094